
Castor Oil Packs and Your Thyroid Health

Have you ever heard of a castor oil pack? Used one? I hadn’t until a few years ago and it’s now becoming more of a mainstream topic and recommendation, especially among holistic healthcare providers. It’s natural, non-invasive and can be done in the comfort of your own home. 

Sleep Well, Be Well

Sleep Well, Be Well

It's wellness Wednesday. At least that's what I'm calling today for the sake of this post. Wellness can be defined many ways but it is basically the overall state of physical, mental and social well-being. It includes more than just eating eggs, drinking green smoothies and building muscles. It is your overall health and wellbeing.

A lot of us are working really hard on our wellness but one area that may get overlooked is our sleep. Sleep is so important for many aspects of our health and wellbeing.

I recently had many days in a row where I didn't sleep well, and that is very unusual for me. I would either toss and turn all night or wake up way too early and couldn't go back to sleep. I couldn't believe how bad I felt when it started to catch up with me. It was hard for me to focus, I had zero patience, and was just really moody. Don't ever go on a 3rd grade field trip when you haven't slept for days!