
Italian Sausage and Veggie Stuffed Peppers

Italian Sausage and Veggie Stuffed Peppers

I love recipes that are 1. delicious 2. easily customizable and 3. can withstand adding lots of extra veggies!. This stuffed pepper recipe fits all of these so well! Oh, and it also needs to make good leftovers. Yep, does that too.

This summer I have been going to the local farmer’s market more often and I’ve discovered some of the best, high-quality meats from one of the farms, Pastimes Farm and Bakery out of Lincoln, Missouri. If you’ve never thought about purchasing meat at your farmer’s market, I would encourage you to check it out. They often have grass-fed and pasture-raised meats at a competitive price. We have really been loving their Italian pork sausage, which is where I got the idea for the stuffed peppers. It is unbelievably flavorful and works perfectly in this recipe. We also love to use it for homemade pizza.

Roasted Chicken 4 Ways

Roasted Chicken 4 Ways

A little bit of meal prepping can go a really long way when it comes to saving time and energy with meals. It is great whether you work full-time (or more), have kids in multiple activities throughout the week or just want something easy to make so you have more time for your favorite shows. Is anyone else watching Ozark right now? OMG! And, how 'bout them Chiefs! There are a few things I like to have on hand to keep lunch simple or to use for dinner when we are running out the door to soccer practice and baseball games.

One of our staples is roasted chicken. I love how versatile it is as far as flavors go and ways to use it. I roast a large pack of boneless chicken breasts at least weekly and use them in some darn delicious meals. Real chefs would tell you to use bone-in chicken for flavor but I don't care to mess with the bone-in breasts myself. If you don't mind it then give it a try! I also like to keep a lot of fresh veggies on hand so I often have most of the ingredients of the recipes I'm giving you today. With the chicken already cooked, meals come together in no time!

Homemade Larabars

Homemade Larabars

Happy Tuesday morning! Did you know that Tuesday is the most productive day of the week. You have to get over your Monday is so rough attitude and then you are ready to totally kill it on Tuesday! I’m bringing you recipes for homemade bars that are great for a post-workout snack or to satisfy your sweet tooth…or to eat anytime, really. Get productive today and make these!

Tuesday is my favorite workout class, my mid-morning Barre Express class. Express means 45 minutes instead of 60 minutes and who doesn’t love to get their workout done in express fashion? I do! It is a fun, muscle focused class without any jumping! That’s what I’m talking about!

I don’t love eating my usual breakfast right before I workout so I usually stick to some fruit and peanut butter or a small bowl of oatmeal about 1-2 hours prior. The one small problem is that on my way home I am pretty hungry. My tummy wants all the quick, easy snacks while my brain says “don’t ruin those 45 minutes”. Post workout I like to incorporate protein and carbs in a small snack or mini meal for energy and tissue repair.