Sausage Potato and Kale Soup


Fall is definitely my favorite season and it’s finally fall here in Kansas City. Two of our son's birthdays are in the fall as well as our wedding anniversary, which we will celebrate 10 years this year. I love the change in weather, the color change of the leaves and the change in my regular menu. We love some delicious soup at our house, with cornbread of course. Soups are easy, versatile, can pack in a lot of great nutrition and make great leftovers. I can't wait to share with you 3 of our favorites over the next few posts.

This first one, sausage potato and kale soup, is one we definitely all agree on but our 8 y/o goes nuts for it. He will eat 3 full-sized bowls in one sitting, no problem. Leftovers are double delish, btw!

Funny story...  I was making this soup at my Mom's a few years ago and made it early enough to let it sit for a while before dinner. I gave my son a small bowl to "taste test" since it's his fave. My Mom asked him how the soup was and he said "this is damn good soup". He was probably 4 years old and I have never laughed so hard, of course, while trying to tell him not to say that word. My Mom still talks about that story and we now call sausage, potato and kale soup the "damn good soup". I think you will too!

Here is the recipe:



  • 1 lb of your favorite ground sausage (you could sub ground turkey cooked with some seasonings)

  • 1 T extra virgin olive oil

  • 1/2 cup yellow onion, diced

  • 1 t minced garlic

  • 6 medium-sized yukon gold potatoes, peeled and cut into small cubes (more or less depending on how thick you want the soup)

  • 1 bunch of kale, stemmed and shredded - about 2 cups (or more because, hey, it's kale)

  • 32oz good quality chicken stock

  • 8oz water


  1. Cook sausage in separate pan until done. Set aside

  2. In large pot heat olive oil over medium heat.

  3. Add diced onion and sauté until soft, about 3 minutes.

  4. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute.

  5. Add broth, water and potatoes and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are soft, about 10 minutes.

  6. Lightly mash potatoes with masher in pot to thicken soup. You can also use a blender if preferred. (You don't want the potatoes to be totally mashed or left in large chunks).

  7. Add in sausage and kale and simmer until kale is wilted, about 10 minutes.

  8. Top with a little cracked pepper and enjoy!

This has been one of our go-to soups for years now. It is very hearty and makes great leftovers, if you have any. I hope you enjoy this sausage potato and kale soup as much as we do.
